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Sunday, 7 March 2010

Waiting for VS2010 release date to come. Not long now...

I work on quite an agile environment at work and so it is possible to investigate an upgrade to .NET 4, Visual Studio 2010 etc. In fact I have been asked to investigate such a change (just finding time is the issue).

Of course I am keen to get moving with this but I'm not confident about pushing a change to a platform that is still in release candidate. To be fair, the latest release candidate does come with a "go live" license so if you are confident enough you can download it here. Due to me not being willing to upgrade my work's infrastructure to a release candidate I will wait until Monday 22nd March 2010 when it is released. Launch date is April 12th.

I noticed something though: It seems I've been doing a lot of waiting recently.

There are a lot of technologies that I am interested in and have been patiently waiting for that either come with this VS2010 release or co-incidentally release around the same time:
  • C# 4.0 (22/03/2010)
  • ASP.NET 4 (22/03/2010)
  • Visual Studio 2010 (22/03/2010)
  • SQL Server 2008 R2 (by May 2010)
  • MVC 2.0 (with .NET 4)
  • Entity Framework 4 (with .NET 4)
There is Siverlight 4 too (but I am not interested :P)


The release date has been delayed until at least the launch date of 12th April 2010. Which you can read about here:
Visual Studio 2010 release date delayed

Follow britishdev on Twitter


  1. Maybe this is the calm before the storm?

    Looking forward to finding out about about the PM stuff in VS2010 :)
