find a location for property in a new city

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Unexpected "string" keyword after "@" character. Once inside code, you do not need to prefix constructs like "string" with "@"

After upgrading an ASP.NET MVC 3 project to MVC 4 I noticed a change in the Razor parser that threw a Parser Error saying: 'Unexpected "string" keyword after "@" character. Once inside code, you do not need to prefix constructs like "string" with "@"'

Firstly this has always working when it was MVC 3 and Razor v1. I may have been getting the syntax wrong all along but if the syntax allowed it was it really wrong?

What I was doing was trying to put some server code in a Razor helper with no surrounding HTML tags, like this example:

@helper Currency1000s(int? value)
    if(value == null)
        @string.Format("{0:C0}k", value / 1000.0)

Interestingly if I were to replace line 9 with @value all would be fine. Anyway, it is an easy enough fix, you just need to wrap the string.Format in HTML tags or the text tags as I did here:

@helper Currency1000s(int? value)
    if(value == null)
        @string.Format("{0:C0}k", value / 1000.0)

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Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Build Visual Studio solutions without Visual Studio

I have a project that has four separate Visual Studio solutions. It is a bit annoying when I do an update from SVN and have to open each solution in Visual Studio just so I can build them. Visual Studio is hardly a lightweight program so surely there's a simpler way?

Most sys admins or developers accustomed to automated builds will probably start to titter at this point, but you can do it easily using NotePad (and the various stuff already installed on your dev machine). I don't want a mega complex system to deploy in a special way to a different server using expensive software, I just want to build everything without having to load many Visual Studio instances. So here is how.

Simple way to build all solutions with a batch file

First open NotePad and write the following code:

@echo off
CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
MSBUILD /v:q C:\Projects\Forums\Forums.sln
MSBUILD /v:q C:\Projects\MainSite.sln
MSBUILD /v:q C:\Projects\Users\UserMgmt.sln
MSBUILD /v:q C:\Projects\Core\Global.sln

Save this as something like BuildAll.bat then whenever you want to build everything just double click this file.

What was that?! Explain (a bit)

To use MSBUILD you must be running the Visual Studio command prompt but by default batch files run in normal compand prompt so line 2 enables all the Visual Studio-ness. Also, I added the /v:q parameter so that MSBUILD wont output every little detail about the build, just the important bits (PASS/FAIL).

Follow britishdev on Twitter

Thursday, 18 October 2012

To encodeURI or to encodeURIComponent?

Solved a bug today whilst encoding in JavaScript a URL that contained a certain special character: the hash character #.

I found a generated querystring was not working correctly because many of the params were not being passed to the server somehow. I was generating a link like so: var link = '' + encodeURI(url) + '&userID=232';

I was quite pleased with myself remembering to URL Encode params that are going into a querystring to get around special characters but I had not thought of something... the hash character #!

Say the url being placed in the querystring is '/my page.aspx#comment3' my link was coming out as

What's wrong with that?

Well it's not what I was expecting really but it was working up until I got urls with hashes in. As you may or may not know everything proceeding a # in a url is for browsers so your server will ignore everything after it. In this case the userID param was not seen by my server.

encodeURIComponent not encodeURI

For this particular scenario encodeURIComponent was what I needed since:

encodeURI('/my page.aspx#comment3')
//output: /my%20page.aspx#comment2

encodeURIComponent('/my page.aspx#comment3')
//output: %2Fmy%20page.aspx%23comment2

encodeURI is for encoding non-URI special characters from a string so the above example of encodeURI would have been great for appending it like so '' + encodeURI(url)

encodeURIComponent is for encoding a string to be fit for a querystring param where characters such as . and # shouldn't really be included as in my above example.

So know your Javascript encoding!

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