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Thursday 19 May 2011

Image resizing, cropping and compression using .NET

If you need to resize an image or crop an image or compress an image or even do all three you will find you can do all of those things using the .NET framework's System.Drawing classes. In this tutorial I will talk you through the steps required to do all three to transform an large image to an image fit for your website.

This is the example scenario. You have been asked to make a page that enables a user to upload any image they want so that it can be manipulated to ensure it is 200px x 200px and compressed to a smaller file size. I won't talk you though how to make the uploading part as there are a plethora of blogs discussing that already. What I will discuss is how to resize crop and compress that image.

Say you have an image that is 1000px x 800px. There are 3 main steps to converting it to a compressed 200px x 200px image:

Resizing an image

To resize it the key is that it needs to keep the same aspect ratio whilst being a lot smaller.

So the expected outcome of this stage will be that the shortest of the two dimensions will be 200px, the other will be larger and the aspect ratio will remain the same. Begin code:
private byte[] GetCroppedImage(byte[] originalBytes, Size size, ImageFormat format)
    using (var streamOriginal = new MemoryStream(originalBytes))
    using (var imgOriginal = Image.FromStream(streamOriginal))
        //get original width and height of the incoming image
        var originalWidth = imgOriginal.Width; // 1000
        var originalHeight = imgOriginal.Height; // 800

        //get the percentage difference in size of the dimension that will change the least
        var percWidth = ((float)size.Width / (float)originalWidth); // 0.2
        var percHeight = ((float)size.Height / (float)originalHeight); // 0.25
        var percentage = Math.Max(percHeight, percWidth); // 0.25

        //get the ideal width and height for the resize (to the next whole number)
        var width = (int)Math.Max(originalWidth * percentage, size.Width); // 250
        var height = (int)Math.Max(originalHeight * percentage, size.Height); // 200

        //actually resize it
        using (var resizedBmp = new Bitmap(width, height))
            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage((Image)resizedBmp))
                graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Default;
                graphics.DrawImage(imgOriginal, 0, 0, width, height);

Cropping an image

After the last step you are left with an image that is 250px x 200px. As you will notice that is still an aspect ratio of 5:4 so it does not look squashed. However this still isn't the right size so you will now need to crop it.

You are now intending to cut off the excess from both sides to reduce the width whilst leaving the height the same. This will leave you with a 200px x 200px image. Code on:
private byte[] GetCroppedImage(byte[] originalBytes, Size size, ImageFormat format)
    using (var streamOriginal = new MemoryStream(originalBytes))
    using (var imgOriginal = Image.FromStream(streamOriginal))
        //get original width and height of the incoming image
        var originalWidth = imgOriginal.Width; // 1000
        var originalHeight = imgOriginal.Height; // 800

        //get the percentage difference in size of the dimension that will change the least
        var percWidth = ((float)size.Width / (float)originalWidth); // 0.2
        var percHeight = ((float)size.Height / (float)originalHeight); // 0.25
        var percentage = Math.Max(percHeight, percWidth); // 0.25

        //get the ideal width and height for the resize (to the next whole number)
        var width = (int)Math.Max(originalWidth * percentage, size.Width); // 250
        var height = (int)Math.Max(originalHeight * percentage, size.Height); // 200

        //actually resize it
        using (var resizedBmp = new Bitmap(width, height))
            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage((Image)resizedBmp))
                graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Default;
                graphics.DrawImage(imgOriginal, 0, 0, width, height);

            //work out the coordinates of the top left pixel for cropping
            var x = (width - size.Width) / 2; // 25
            var y = (height - size.Height) / 2; // 0

            //create the cropping rectangle
            var rectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, size.Width, size.Height); // 25, 0, 200, 200

            using (var croppedBmp = resizedBmp.Clone(rectangle, resizedBmp.PixelFormat))

Compressing the image

You now have the image to the correct size but for the web it is not really optimised.

You now want to compress the image down from the current 4 bytes per pixel (32bit) image, which would be ~156KB (for a 200x200 image!). Time to compress:
private byte[] GetCroppedImage(byte[] originalBytes, Size size, ImageFormat format)
    using (var streamOriginal = new MemoryStream(originalBytes))
    using (var imgOriginal = Image.FromStream(streamOriginal))
        //get original width and height of the incoming image
        var originalWidth = imgOriginal.Width; // 1000
        var originalHeight = imgOriginal.Height; // 800

        //get the percentage difference in size of the dimension that will change the least
        var percWidth = ((float)size.Width / (float)originalWidth); // 0.2
        var percHeight = ((float)size.Height / (float)originalHeight); // 0.25
        var percentage = Math.Max(percHeight, percWidth); // 0.25

        //get the ideal width and height for the resize (to the next whole number)
        var width = (int)Math.Max(originalWidth * percentage, size.Width); // 250
        var height = (int)Math.Max(originalHeight * percentage, size.Height); // 200

        //actually resize it
        using (var resizedBmp = new Bitmap(width, height))
            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage((Image)resizedBmp))
                graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Default;
                graphics.DrawImage(imgOriginal, 0, 0, width, height);

            //work out the coordinates of the top left pixel for cropping
            var x = (width - size.Width) / 2; // 25
            var y = (height - size.Height) / 2; // 0

            //create the cropping rectangle
            var rectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, size.Width, size.Height); // 25, 0, 200, 200

            using (var croppedBmp = resizedBmp.Clone(rectangle, resizedBmp.PixelFormat))
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                //get the codec needed
                var imgCodec = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders().First(c => c.FormatID == format.Guid);

                //make a paramater to adjust quality
                var codecParams = new EncoderParameters(1);

                //reduce to quality of 80 (from range of 0 (max compression) to 100 (no compression))
                codecParams.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, 80L);

                //save to the memorystream - convert it to an array and send it back as a byte[]
                croppedBmp.Save(ms, imgCodec, codecParams);
                return ms.ToArray();

There you go. Your massive image is looking good to the correct size whilst being a much leaner version of former self. Congratulations!


In line 24, you can see I have set the InterpoltionMode of the graphics object to InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic before doing the initial resize. I previously had this set to Default but I noticed that straight diagonal lines in resized images were coming out jagged and they didn't look pretty. HighQualityBicubic is meant to be "the best" form of interpolation according to Microsoft so I sided with that. I can see a big improvement in the quality so I would recommend it too.

Follow britishdev on Twitter


  1. A quick warning to everybody thinking about using System.Drawing (or GDI+) in an ASP.NET environment. It's not supported by Microsoft and MSDN (as of recently) clearly states that you may experience memory leaks.

    Clearly GDI+ is a legacy API and one should opt for image processing using WPF in general.

    Here's a quote from

    Classes within the System.Drawing namespace are not supported for use within a Windows or ASP.NET service. Attempting to use these classes from within one of these application types may produce unexpected problems, such as diminished service performance and run-time exceptions. For a supported alternative, see Windows Imaging Components.

  2. Cool. I've never heard of WIC so it sounds interesting and I'll have a look.

    Just to make clear the code above isn't thrown together. It evolved with time because as you suggested it is too easy to mistakenly create performance issues when using GDI+. Just see how many times I've written 'using' above!

    Anyway, please be assured the above code is highly optimised and tested and has run successfully in a high traffic production environment for a few months now.

  3. Excellent! Thanks for sharing Colin!

  4. @Anders Borum: Actually, despite what MSDN (incorrectly) states, WIC is NOT supported for use within an ASP.NET service. As WPF wraps WIC, it is subject to the same problems WIC faces. WIC is also only available on Server 2008 and higher, instability will result on OSes where WIC MTA threading isn't available.

    You can read it for yourself (Note #2) at the end of this MS blog:

    Also, using WPF or WIC will require you place the entire ASP.NET app in Full Trust mode, destroying any sandbox-level security you would have had. GDI works properly even on low-trust scenarios.


    To all readers.

    Take a look at

    It's free, it's open, and it's reliable. It's fast, well tested, and refined. It even has a NuGet package. And it is thoroughly documented. What are you waiting for?

    BUT - If you don't like using existing code, well tested libraries, or simply enjoy the Windows API so much you HAVE to write your own image resizing module, please read the list of pitfalls you need to avoid (these were compiled over many years and many versions of the aforementioned library).

    Hope this helps!
    Nathanael Jones

  5. Nice one.....
    i have been looking for this thx dude

  6. Great Work... Thanks...very very much

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